Pastoral & Support Staff

Brad and Blonnie Smith 2020-07

Brad & Blonnie Smith

Lead Pastors

Pastor Brad Smith was saved at age 13, and was called to preach at age 14 following a supernatural visitation from God in a dream. He saw people going to Hell, and was awakened in a cold sweat by an audible voice telling him to preach the Gospel. He is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. 

Pastor Blonnie serves alongside her husband as a teacher, counselor, and small group leader. She has a genuine passion to love the lost. She is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. 

Their ministry is marked with an emphasis on faith, evangelism, and the supernatural. 

Their heart is to impart faith to God’s people, to empower the church to reach the lost, and to raise up leaders.

Christian Davis

Christian & Breanna Davis

Associate / Student Pastors

03 - Sally Irvin

Sally Irvin

Kids' Pastor



Worship Leader

Miranda Weaver - Administrative Assistant

Miranda Weaver

Administrative Assistant

06 - Jose & Severin Velez

Jose & Severin Velez

Hispanic Pastors